Revive your sleeping dream

Pastor Sim

Muted dreams. 

Everybody has a dream, a vision for their life, a purpose inside of them. I'm talking about that stubborn and persistant dream that never leaves you. You can try to ignore it, you can hide it, bury it, but somehow it always finds its way out. You never seem to be able to get rid of that vision inside of you. That's the type of dream I'm talking about. But unfortunately, as you know, most people never achieve their dreams. When life takes over, we are told that our dreams are too big and out of reach. And in order to fit in, we sacrifice our vision, and drift away from our goals. And as a result, instead of fulfilling ourselves, we just do the bare minimum to survive.  Nobody was ever created just to survive. 

Dreams reveal Gods plan

A dream is not just a fantasy or a random sign of creativity. If you look close enough, you will realize that there is something much more essential about dreams. See, the best way to define someone is knowing their dream. Your dream tells us what you are made of, it reveals who you are, it is the expression of the inner you. It clearly shows what God has placed in your heart. So when you give up on your dream you actually give up on yourself, when you stop feeding your dream you starve yourself. What happened to your dream? Do you remember your dream? If you are one of those whose dreams have been placed on hold, let me remind you that you were created for a reason. 

Revive the dream

When God made you, he had something in mind, an idea, a plan. And if you want to achieve your purpose, you’re gonna need to connect with Jesus. Here’s an interesting image for you: when you are driving, if you take the wrong turn, your GPS will recalculate and lead you back in the right direction. In the same respect, if you got lost on the way to your dreams, it’s time to recalculate. The best way to do it is to Connect with Jesus Christ. No one knows your purpose better than God. He knows the way, he knows the plans he has for you. Dont put your dream to waste, don’t be satisfied with the bare minimum. Dont settle for anything less than destiny. Become who you are, be restored, do something, Revive your sleeping dream.